Life is a type of insurance that will pay out a fixed sum (of your choosing) if you were to pass away.
When you take out life insurance you will need to name one or more beneficiaries to receive the insured sum. It's common to name a spouse, child or someone who is financially dependent of you so they may maintain financial stability moving forward.
Many people also decide to get life insurance when buying a house and paying for their mortgage, even if their partner contributes to the payments.
Don't let your financial obligations get passed on to your family. Life insurance can help cover them.
Are you the primary source of income for your family? Life insurance can provide for them when you're gone, so they can get back on their feet.
Education, childcare and security. Life insurance can help ensure a future for your loved ones when you're no longer with them.
No one wants to plan a funeral and the costs can get pretty expensive. Let life insurance cover it while your family mourns.