Life Insurance in Germany: The Definitive Guide (2024)

Life Insurance in Germany: The Definitive Guide (2024)

In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know if you’re considering life insurance.

In fact, this is article contains all the best tips and nuggets from Feather’s insurance specialists.

So, if you’re asking yourself:

  • What even is life insurance?
  • Do I need life insurance?
  • What is term life insurance?
  • How does it compare to whole life?
  • How much will it cost?

Then this guide is for you. 

Let’s get started.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a way to protect your family’s financial future if you pass away unexpectedly. It acts as a financial safety net, providing a payout to your beneficiaries (usually your family) to help cover expenses and maintain financial stability during this difficult time.

This payout can be used for several purposes, such as:

  • Paying off debts: Including credit cards, personal loans, or any other outstanding financial obligations.
  • Covering mortgage payments: Ensuring your family can keep their home and not risk foreclosure.
  • Funding funeral expenses: Which can be quite expensive and otherwise add financial stress.
  • Supporting daily living expenses: To help your family maintain their current standard of living without immediate financial pressure.

While the idea of life insurance can be uncomfortable since it involves thinking about death, having a policy in place provides peace of mind. It’s essential to ensure your loved ones are protected and won’t face unnecessary financial burdens during an already challenging time.

How does life insurance work in Germany?

As we just discussed, life insurance provides financial protection for your loved ones in case of death. 

When purchasing a policy, you select a “death benefit” — the amount your beneficiaries receive if you pass away. To keep the policy active, you pay monthly premiums, which are influenced by factors such as age, health, medical history, and coverage amount.

What types of life insurance are available in Germany?

There are two main types of life insurance in Germany: term life insurance and whole life insurance

Each has specific features suited to different needs.

Term life insurance

These policies run for a set period, like 5, 10, or 25 years. They only pay out if the insured person dies within that time. 

These policies are ideal for periods of high financial responsibility.

For example, they work well when raising children or paying off a mortgage. If the insured dies during the term, the beneficiaries receive the payout, providing much-needed financial support.

If you think term life insurance is right for you, you have the choice of 3 options you can choose from:

  1. Level term policies:
    • These pay a lump sum if death occurs during the term.
    • The coverage amount stays the same throughout the policy.
    • It’s a simple and affordable option that suits most people.
  2. Decreasing term policies:
    • The coverage amount decreases over time, usually matching a repayment mortgage.
    • The payout reduces as the outstanding loan gets smaller, but the policy is more affordable.
  3. Increasing term policies:
    • The coverage increases over time to keep up with inflation.
    • This type of policy helps protect against rising living costs but is generally more expensive.

Whole life insurance policies

Whole of life insurance covers the insured person for their entire life, as long as they keep paying the premiums. It guarantees a payout whenever the insured dies. 

This type of policy is often used for inheritance tax planning or to cover funeral expenses.

While it sounds like a much better deal, it’s also more expensive than term life policies because it lasts for the person’s whole life. This means there’s a risk of paying more in premiums over time than the eventual payout if the insured lives longer than expected.

Who needs life insurance?

Not everyone needs life insurance, but for some, it’s a smart move. 

Here’s a breakdown of who should consider life insurance and why.

  1. Parents with young children: Life insurance can cover your children’s daily expenses and educational costs. It can even build long-term savings to secure their future.
  2. Homeowners: If you own a property, life insurance can help cover mortgage payments to protect your partner or family from financial strain.
  3. Caregivers: If you provide care for a loved one, life insurance can ensure they continue receiving the support they need without interruption.
  4. Care-receivers: Seniors can leave behind a final “thank you” for their caregivers’ continued support.
  5. Wealthy Families: For those with large estates, life insurance is a helpful tool for covering estate taxes. This way, more of the estate’s value can be passed on to heirs.
  6. Businesses with key employees: If a company depends on certain key individuals, “key person insurance” helps to keep operations running smoothly if an essential employee passes away.
  7. Married Pensioners: Life insurance can supplement pension benefits, offering a safety net to replace lost income for a surviving spouse. 

Who might not need life insurance?

While life insurance can be beneficial for many, there are certain situations where it might not be necessary:

  • Single individuals without dependents: If no one relies on you financially, life insurance is usually not necessary.
  • Individuals with high-earning partners: If your partner can comfortably support the family on their own and is prepared to do so in the event of your passing, life insurance is less essential.

How much is life insurance in Germany?

Life insurance in Germany is quite affordable. Some policies cost just 3 to 5 euros per month.

However, the exact cost depends on various factors. Here’s what influences the price of life insurance and some tips on keeping premiums low:

What influences the cost of life insurance?

  1. Age: Younger people generally pay lower premiums. The earlier you apply, the cheaper it is.
  2. Health status: Your health plays a big role. If you have pre-existing health conditions, your premiums will be higher.
  3. Lifestyle: Habits like smoking or risky hobbies can increase costs. Insurers see these as potential health risks.
  4. Family medical history: If certain health issues run in your family, insurers might see this as a higher risk, and charge you higher premiums.
  5. Policy length: The longer you want coverage, the more it will cost. 
  6. Occupation: If you work in a high-risk job, such as construction or firefighting, your premiums will be higher.

Tips to lower your premiums

Lowering your life insurance premiums can be achieved both before applying and after your policy is approved. 

Here’s how you can make the most of each stage:

  • Before Applying: Keep a healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking and managing your health can lead to lower premiums. Applying for life insurance when you’re younger can also help you lock in lower rates.
  • After Approval: If you improve your health or make lifestyle changes (like quitting smoking) after getting insurance, you can ask for a reassessment to lower your premiums.
    Note: premiums won’t increase if your health worsens after the initial assessment.

How much death benefit do you need?

Your death benefit should align with your financial responsibilities. Here are key factors to consider:

  1. Debts: Ensure enough coverage to clear any outstanding loans or debts.
  2. Mortgage/Rent: Calculate how much your family would need to cover housing costs.
  3. Dependents: The more dependents you have, the more coverage you may need.
  4. Income Replacement: Consider how much your family would need to maintain their current lifestyle without your income.

A common recommendation is to provide enough coverage to support your loved ones for 3 to 5 years, giving them time to establish other income sources. Covering expenses for a more extended period is possible but will result in higher premiums.

Estimating your ideal death benefit:

You can use this formula to help determine the right amount:

Funeral Costs + Total Debts + (Annual Mortgage or Rent × Years to Cover) + (Your Annual Net Income × Years to Cover)

Is life insurance worth it?

Life insurance can be worth it, but as with most things in insurance, it depends on your situation. Here’s how to break it down:

What are the benefits of life insurance?

Many people buy life insurance for these reasons:

  1. Covering funeral costs: These can add up quickly. For example, a cremation funeral costs about €3000 to €4000.
  2. Replacing lost income: If you are the main wage earner, your death could leave your family in a tough spot financially.
  3. Leaving an inheritance: For many, it can be a way to pass down a legacy. Even if you don’t have significant assets, a life insurance policy can provide something for your loved ones.
  4. Tax advantages: A big plus is that life insurance benefits are typically tax-free, which means your family gets the full payout.

Making the decision

Here’s a step-by-step way to figure out if life insurance is for you:

  1. Assess your financial needs: Calculate how much money would be needed to cover funeral costs, pay off debts, and support your dependents using the death benefit formula above.
  2. Research policies: There are different types of life insurance, like term life (coverage for a set number of years) and whole life (lifelong coverage). Look into which fits your situation.
  3. Get quotes: Compare prices from multiple insurance providers to find a plan that suits your needs and budget.
  4. Seek dvice: If you’re unsure about coverage types or tax implications, talking to a financial advisor can provide clarity.

Life insurance in Germany starting at €1.98 per month

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And this concludes our guide to life insurance in Germany…

We hope we have answered your questions and helped you determine whether life insurance is the right choice for you.

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